February 15, 2013

registration for the 1st annual #OHcraft sew-in is OPEN!!!

Registration for the 1st annual #OHcraft sew-in is OPEN!!!

1st Annual #OHcraft Sew-In!

When: Friday, November 8 from 3:00pm to Sunday, November 10 at 12:00pm
Location: Hueston Woods Lodge and Conference Center, 5201 Lodge Road College Corner, OH 45003

This sew-in is open to all people, everywhere (by no means not just from Ohio!), who want to get together with some new and old friends for a weekend and SEW!!! And eat and chat and bond, of course. :) For folks who can't spend the night, there is a Saturday only option also!

For more information and to register for the sew-in, please view the registration form. Also, feel free pass this information along to all of your friends who you think would want to come have fun with us!

Feel free to leave any questions in the comment section below or send me an email- meandelna@gmail.com .

We hope to see y'all at Hueston Woods in November! :)

PS: If you'd like to learn a little bit more about me- you know, before we become besties at the sew-in-, check out Knotted Thread's Follower Friday where I was featured today!

knotted thread

xo, Kara


  1. Ahhh! I wish I lived closer! Boo :( Have a BLAST!!! :D

  2. Just popped over to "meet" you from Knotted Thread's Follower Friday :o) It was your last name that caught my eye..Sanders is my maiden name!! :o)


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