February 12, 2013

i've caught the cross stitch itch

Have you heard of The Woodland Sampler from The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery?
Eeek! Can't wait to start on this from The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery, @heyporkchop ! #woodlandsampler
Well! It is a cross stitch sampler (a different little picture for each month of the year) featuring different woodland creatures that is effing ADORABLE! However, there's a twist- instead of buying a pattern and getting every month all at once, you're not emailed the pattern for a particular month until the first day of that month (you do get the pattern for all of the "frames" that each month will be in with the first pattern emailed to you). I love the anticipation of wondering what the next month will be, especially since the lovely ladies over at The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery have not let us down for January and February!

I finished the January block last weekend and I'm in love with these little deer!
#widn , tagged by @elisabew - admiring some effing adorable deer!  @heyporkchop #woodlandsampler
Don't you love them?! I have never cross stitched on linen before but I really love how it looks- much more like art, in my opinion, than on traditional aida.

Want to hear a secret? :) Because I had never stitched on linen before, I got just a weeeeeeee bit confused. See how in the picture above, the February frame is as long as the white bar that I use to keep the cloth in place? Welll, take a look at this picture from my first attempt at stitching the February couple-
Cross-stitch on linen is not for the faint of heart but I LOVE IT! I've never been more proud of a rectangle in my life, @heyporkchop . ☺ #woodlandsampler
See the HUGE difference? IE, my first February frame is practically microscopic? Turns out, I was putting FOUR stitches where there was only supposed to be ONE. OY. I was having such a hard time seeing where to stitch and couldn't figure out why... until I realized my nerdy mistake. Dud. :)

Anywho! I started stitching February on the sampler last night and am far from finished but I can't wait to see it come together! Here's the cover of the February pattern:
 Can you stand the cuteness? :)

I've never cross stitched anything for myself so I'm super excited to leisurely stitch this throughout the year and then frame it in December for a wall in our home. :)

Speaking of cross stitching for other folks, I was on a roll last year! Heather's dad looooooves The Big Bang Theory so I stitched this little diddy up for him for Christmas and framed it.
I got the pattern from Wee Little Stitches- the new pattern includes both Bernadette and Amy Farrah Fowler! :)

I also stitched up this little diddy as one of Kimbo's Christmas gifts this year (another one from Wee Little Stitches-
thank you for being a friend
Reflection of me not included. :)

And finally, I stitched up and framed a little wedding gift for one of Heather's former co-workers-
the happy couple!

Have I mentioned yet that I love cross stitch patterns from Wee Little Stitches? :) Not only did I buy the patterns for The Big Bang Theory and The Golden Girls above but I worked with them to design a custom piece for Emily and Brian's wedding! I sent them specifics about the happy couple's height and coloring along with some pictures that Emily graciously sent me from her dress fitting and I got a great customized pattern to work from. Here's the real life couple at their wedding-
 Pretty accurate huh? Not to mention ADORABLE couple? :)

There you have it- the cross stitching that has been keeping me busy lately! Are you doing any handiwork this season?

xo, Kara


  1. That looks wonderful...I love x-stitch, and after working with linen the first time never went back to aida...Time is sparse though so it's just special "little" projects now.. Thanks for sharing

  2. Looking good so far!!! Love the big bang ones! I should start cross stitching again....

  3. What a brilliant wedding embroidery!!! <3

  4. I love Emily and Brian's cross stitch picture. It is so them.

  5. That Woodland sampler is too cute!

  6. Agh - it's so cute it hurts!


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