March 24, 2014

would ya give me a vote or two?

I participated in the 2014 Pantone Quilt Challenge at The Windy Side and I'd appreciate your votes to hopefully win a Viewer's Choice Award!

I made two projects that you saw here last week- a pillow and a quilt top- and you can vote for both if you feel so inclined! :)

To vote, first click here to access the blog post from which to vote; then, click the heart on the top right of each of my project pictures to give them a vote!

Vote #1:
I have one entry in section two- Minis. My picture is number 26 and it is titled me and elna: radiant orchid inspired pillow.

Vote #2:
 My other entry is in section three- Just the Top. My picture is number 14 and is titled me and elna: radiant orchid inspired quilt.

I really enjoyed working on both of these projects! If you would give a vote (click the heart in the top right of each picture here) to each of them, I'd really appreciate it!

Voting ends on Thursday, March 27th, at 11:00pm PST; if you like the pillow and quilt top I made and would like ask others to vote for me too, I'd love that! Thanks so much for your support, friends!!! :)

xo, Kara
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