March 19, 2013

meet elna and her crib!

Yippee!!! It's my turn on Erin and Stacey's Meet my Machine blog hop!

The Tilted Quilt meet My Machine Linky Party

As you can see from the name of my blog, I sew with an Elna! Specifically, she's an Elna eXplore 340 and I love her more than my luggage (Steel Magnolias quote, yo!).


I bought her just before Christmas in 2011 at Luke's in Blue Ash, Ohio (just outside of Cincinnati). The machine I had before that was a Singer Inspiration and gave me so many fits... oy, can't even tell you. I took it into Luke's to get it serviced and ended up walking out with Elna! That Nadine is a great sales person. :) I played on just about every machine they had at the store but really fell in love with the Elna eXplore 340 for my sewing needs at the time- home sewing and quilting but only of the smallish variety (Jill quilts all of my big guys- she's amazing!). Also, it didn't hurt one bit that if you bring a machine into Luke's- no matter if it works or not- you get 50% off the machine of your choice. SOLD! :)
close up

Some of my favorite features that dear Elna has are her built-in needle threader (how did we live before these, I ask you?), drop in bobbin (the front loading ones make me say curse words), 24 different stitches to choose from (they're all so pretty! but I am partial to the triple stitch) and, quite honestly, just the quality that it was made with.

On average, I probably sew 4 days out of every 7 and I have not had a SINGLE issue with Elna in the 16 months that she's been mine. I've sewn everything from voile to canvas, one layer to several- including a couple layers of jean material at the same time- and I have never broken a needle, my bobbin has never made me lose my faith in humanity and the stitch results are all super consistent. What can I say, Elna's a great broad. :)
closer up

I seriously couldn't be happier with Elna! The only downside is that there's not a lot of room to turn fabric around when quilting, but I knew that when I bought it. Next time I buy a machine, I'll probably seriously consider the Elna eXcellence 740 because 1) it's an Elna (read: consistent quality) 2) the features look AMAZING 3) there are 11 glorious inches to move your fabric around for sewing. How can you not fall in love with all of that greatness, I ask you?

How could I properly share my love for Elna without showing you her home, right? Our sewing room started as a guest room when we bought our condo five years ago. Here's how it looked back then-

I can't even bring myself to make that picture bigger. No one needs to see that.

It was a guest room with a bed for a good two-three years until we decided to spruce it up and decorate it to look like us and not like a baby blue afghan threw up on the walls. Here's the room today!

You can see in the picture above where the closet used to be- I think the new little nook adds a lot of character to the room. We got a lot more use out of that space now, which is great! The large cube-y shelf and desk are from IKEA and while the shelf is great for storage in general, it's not my favorite for fabric storage as the shelves are pretty deep and it's a little hard to reach in the way back of one of the tall shelves, even if you're 5'9" like me. I really like to keep my fabric in a little wooden shelf that I got from Target a while back. It sits right behind where I sit and it's also a good judge of how much fabric I have. If I have more than will fit on that shelf, it's time to STOP BUYING FABRIC! ;) I toss all of my scraps into a big basket I got from Marshall's once which works out pretty nicely.
fabric storage

For me, organization is key for productivity. When I have time to be crafty, I want to sit down and get to it! I don't want to have to root around for what I need. Here's the view from where I sit at Elna-
where i sit
Don't you love that micro mini quilt with the beautiful embroidery?! Kimbo made it for me for my birthday, along with Elna's cover. :)

I like to keep all of my notions within reach of my sewing machine so when I need something, I don't have to get up and can use my time better. In the white box I've labeled notions above are zippers, buttons, velcor- you know, just your typical notions. To the left of it though (in the super cute fabric box that Brooke made for me!) are the little things that I use all the time when sewing- bobbins, snippers, seam ripper and water soluble pen.
Almost all of my bobbins are empty- gotta fix that!

I have a couple places where I keep sewing WIPs- you can see one in the picture above. The other place is in a cube right above the micro mini quilt that Kim gave me-
current projects
To the right of it I have three designated orange boxes- one for crafty magazines, one for online tutorials that I've printed and the other for bought patterns and their pieces. There's also a cube just for sewing books.

I like to keep all of my cross stitch and embroidery organized, so this little cube is dedicated just to that!
hand sewing
The canister once held a candle but I've since washed it out (after we burned the candle!) and it holds thimbles, needles, etc. This cube may be my favorite spot in the room! :)

I also have an old enamel shelf that has been in our family way longer than I have- it's now an ironing and cutting station with room for storage underneath!

And, what would a sewing room be without a little place to put up your feet, right? :)
chair 1

Truth be told, the other chair in the room almost ALWAYS has a project waiting to be finished on it; today is no exception. :)
chair 2

And finally, there's a little shelf to the right of the white enamel shelf with a framed picture holding quite possibly my most favorite quote of all time. It's from Mother Teresa.

"People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway."

Well, there you go folks- Elna and her room! But what's a blog hop without a give away, right? :) On Monday, March 25th, I'll randomly choose one lucky person to win...
give away- 03.19.2013
There are three ways to enter!
  1. Leave a comment on this post! Whatever your heart desires. :)
  2. Like {me and elna} on Facebook and come back here and tell me you did.
  3. Visit one of the other peeps in the Meet my Machine blog hop and comment on this post, telling me whose post you visited.
So, you can leave up to three comments! But remember, leave three separate comments- that way you have three ways to win. If you just leave one comment, you're missing out! ;) Also, make sure to leave your email address in the comment section so I can contact you if you when to get your mailing address to send your goodies to. Note that all comments close at 8:00am EST on Monday, March 25. I'll choose one lucky winner that afternoon and post his/her name here!

Thanks for stopping by, friends; have a great rest of your week! :)

xo, Kara


  1. Love your sewing room. What's your wall color? So fun! I'm visiting all the blogs. It's been fun to see what machines people use and works. I liked you on fb.

  2. I like the patchwork sewing machine on your cover for Elna. Very Cute.

  3. Love your blog! I'm visiting all the blogs. It's fun to read the stories!

  4. So far. I have visited everyone on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Fun hop.

  5. Your sewing room is so organized! Love it! Elna seems to be a very hardworking, dependable girl.

  6. Thanks for sharing your sewing space!

  7. I've visited everyone on the blog hop so far.

  8. your sewing room is lovely, so organised! I have a sofa in my sewing room, it's a sofa bed for guests and in theory a place for me to sit when I have to hand sew - in reality it's a dumping ground!

  9. I'm visiting everyone on the bloghop, I started yesterday with Ange at Heart of Charnwood

  10. Thanks for sharing your space and machines!

  11. Thanks for sharing your craft room. It is wonderful. I currently own an old Singer treadle of my Grandma's and old Singer Genie from my high school days that I use for basic straight stitching and mending and my Pfaff Creative 2 with an embroidery attachment that i use for fancy stitching and quilting. Thanks for the opportunity on the draw.

  12. I visited Elizabeth at Don't Call Me Betsy and several others!

  13. I am following all of the blogs on the hop starting from Sunday. Thanks

  14. I love your sewing room!!! :) Thanks for the tour

  15. Hello I have been enjoying the blog hope. Thanks for sharing.

  16. And I'm visiting every blog on the hop! a lot of fun!

  17. wow, great sewing room….im getting ready to do mine and I like alot of your ideas….thanks!

  18. i visited all of the blogs on the tour so far but today other than yours i really enjoyed "dont call me betsy" :) thanks for the chance for the give away :)

  19. I already follow ... but not in a creepy way ... lol

    Ok, so I've decided that the next time you're in Chitown you need to swing by and get me organized. And there'll be wine. And cheese. Pizza? Ok.


    Thanks for participating - you have an AWESOME area (despite having an afghan barf on the walls ;) ) and oh elna, how cute you are!

    11"?! Must.Look.Up.This.Machine.!!

    p.s. - did you know you're a no-reply blogger? if you want to fix it,


  20. I love your sewing room! It looks so inviting. Thanks for the giveaway.

  21. Thanks for sharing your sewing room - I am working on mine and it is nice to see the process of someone else - and thanks for the givaway.

  22. Your sewing room organization has given me so many ideas! Thanks!

  23. I just popped over to Plum and June and read all about her Juki!

  24. Hi There! I liked reading your post and thank you for sharing your machines and space! I am a new follower of you!

  25. I've checked out the others on the blog hop so far. Even linked up to Stacey's Linky Party too. My post is at
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  26. I am collecting mini-charm packs for a project down the road, so I would love to win this prize! Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win!

  27. I am a follower on Facebook.

  28. I have visited almost all the Machine posts, but was particularly interested in Erin's from Day One. She is looking for a vintage Singer 15-91 and that was my Christmas present this year (love it!!!).

  29. Love your sewing room. I hope to be that organized someday. Cheers!

  30. Of course I like your blog on FB!

  31. I enjoyed hearing about your machine and seeing your space. Love the ladder with quilts in the corner!

  32. I didn't know anything about this blog hop, so I'm glad you posted your blog post on FB. I visited a few other bloggers: Don't Call Me Betsy, Jaclyn Quilts, Sew at Home Mummy. Nice to see some old machines reviewed along with new machines. Cheers!

  33. I read all the other posts. Elizabeth's comments about her Juki were interesting to me. I used that model machine years ago and had some issues -- glad she's having better luck.
    jklmengland at windstream dot net

  34. Oh, your space is beautiful!!!! I love what you did with the closet and how you've organized all of the other areas. Great job and thanks for sharing about Elna with us today.

  35. I have visited every single blog on the hop, as well as all the link up...this is totally a fun hop. =) Thanks for a lovely little giveaway.

  36. Love your sewing room...especially Elna's cover and how organized everything is! Efhylton at gmail dot com.

  37. My very first machine was an Elna so I will always have a soft spot for them. Great post today!

  38. You have a beautiful sewing room. I found you in the meet my machine hop and I'm glad I popped in to check it out.

  39. I read Plum and June, Don't call me Betsy, Sew at Home Mummy and you're my fourth stop. I'm sure I'll be reading it all. This is a great blog hop!

  40. I love your sewing room. Maybe someday mine won't be the kitchen table and the living room rocking chair. ;)


  41. I've just visited all of the blogs on the previous days!


  42. Very nice set up in the sewing studio! So organized and neat!

  43. I visited all that were posted yesterday. I just started with you today so I have a few more to go.

  44. I love your room! it looks so nice and tidy!
    I know what you're saying about the built-in needle threader, I think it is like a dish washer. If you don't have one, that's ok you do it, but once you have it, you couldn't go back without it!

  45. I already lie you on FB!

  46. I'm trying to read all of the posts cause I like reading about other people's sewing machines. So far I've visited Amy at Diary of a Quilter.

  47. Thanks for sharing. Love your sewing room. And thanks for the chance to win.

  48. I liked you on Facebook. Thanks.

  49. I visited Plum and June blog and "met" her Juki. Thanks again.

  50. I love your sewing space. It looks very cozy.

  51. I visited Beth @ Plum and June and read about her Juki

  52. I will have a room this summer to convert to my sewing have given me alot of ideas! Thanks!

  53. Your sewing room looks like a very cozy place to create !

  54. Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.netTuesday, March 19, 2013

    I liked you on facebook.

  55. Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.netTuesday, March 19, 2013

    I have visited all sites for today-- Beth's, Nerissa's, and Elizabeth's

  56. Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.netTuesday, March 19, 2013

    I have enjoyed seeing what everyone is using for sewing, but even more I am enjoying seeing everyone's sewing rooms. Right now I have a huge sewing room, but in June we will be moving to another state. So I will be setting up another sewing room. I am getting ideas for my new space.

  57. And I read the plum and June blog!

  58. Awesome sewing space! I bet your Elna is happy there. :)

  59. I also already follow you on FB.

  60. I love getting new ideas on machines and spaces.

  61. I am a follower on Facebook.

  62. I am visiting all of the blogs....I can't wait each day to see what machines every has and likes the best.

  63. I love your post on Elna! I feel like she and I are best of friends now!

  64. I visited your FB page and "liked" you!

  65. I have visited each days blogs of the day. The first day I visited Stitchery Dickory Dock the first day since I visit her daily.

  66. You know (from IG) that I love your sewing space! I need to hang some of that Ruby Star fabric up like you. Looks SO cute! Also, that Mother Teresa quotes is one of my all time favorites too!!!



  69. I visited:
    This is Amy's blog+one I visit daily too!
    Thanks for the HOP!

  70. I sew on a Viking and love it. I don't think there is an Elna dealer around here.

  71. I visited Ebony, Jaclyn and Amy yesterday.

  72. "My bobbin has never made me lose my faith in humanity" - I really love this :) although I'm laughing while crying because my vintage Singer is really testing me. The bobbin tension is the bane of my existence. You've made me plan an Elna test drive - thank you!

  73. I've 'liked' you on fb too!

  74. Very nice set up for your sewing room. It looks warm and inviting.

  75. I visited all of the participants so far. Erin @ Sew at Home Mummy is one of them.

  76. Thank you for sharing Elna and your sewing space with us. Thank you especially for sharing the quote from Mother Teresa. It brought some sunshine to my day!

  77. I have visited all of the blogs on this blog hop. Starting with Amy @ Stitchery Dickory Dock.

  78. I love your sewing space, it's charmingly organized and inspirational. And I definitely need three orange boxes for patterns, tutorials, and magazines! Why didn't I think of that!

  79. And I'm visiting all the blogs on this hop! What a great opportunity to find out about machines and what makes them work for their owners!

  80. Love the different containers on the shelves! Thanks for sharing!

  81. I have visited several already including dairy of a quilter and don't call me Betsy!

  82. Love your little room. It's so inviting and cozy.

  83. awesome post - what a great tour of your sewing space and the lovely Elna! Thanks for hopping with us this week, it's been such fun!!

  84. I love this blog hop. I just got a new machine about 6 months ago. Still learning all the ins and outs of it. I have a Janome Memory Craft 6300. I've visited Amy @ Stitchery Dickory Dock.

  85. Anolther site I visited was Ebony @ Love Bug Studio. Excited to read the others.

  86. I have had the most fun visiting all the sites so far and will visit the rest as they become available.

  87. I love how organized your space is - this is something I'm constantly working towards but never quite reach. My space always looks like a hurricane just came through. Thanks for sharing your space and machine with us!

  88. Love the quote you have in your sewing room.

  89. I have visited every blog so far. It has been fun to see what machines everyone has and likes.

  90. I have liked you on facebook.

  91. I am visiting all of the blogs because I want to upgrade and I am looking for some ideas. I am a new quilter and didn't want to spend alot on a machine so I bought an inexpensive Brother. It is a pretty good machine but it didn't take long before I realized I needed to upgrade. Thank you!

  92. I really enjoyed your post today and I completely agree that organization is the key to productivity. I dream of having a cozy sewing space such as kitchen table will have to do for now.

  93. It is really cool to see how people set up their studio spaces and the variety of machines they are working on.

  94. Hi nice room you created. I use my dining table area so I enjoy collecting ideas. I enjoyed seeing you quilts. Sharon

  95. Hello I visited Amy at stitchery dickory dock where I learned about about this fun blog hop a d have checked out everyone's
    Thanks aain

  96. Thanks for the great tour! You had me at Steel Magnolias. :-)

  97. Love your sewing space! Inspires me to improve mine :)

  98. I am following all of the blogs on this hop. Just read Jaclyn's @JaclynQuilts :)

    Thanks forte opportunity :)

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. What fun it was to look at your space. I love it. I am going to think about how I can incorporate a cozy chair into my space too. (Oh, and if I happen to be picked as the winner, pick someone else. As much as I love charm packs I have way too many as it is!)

  101. Thank you so much for sharing your room and sewing machine, what fun!

  102. I am visiting all of the bloggers for this hop, maybe one day in the future I will need a new machine and I love reading what everyone is sewing on, I am going to Plum and June next.

  103. I enjoyed your comments on your machine, and especially seeing your beautiful sewing room! So much inspiration!

  104. Thanks for the introduction to your machine and the tour of your sewing room!

  105. I visited Patti at 'a yankee in Queen Liz's court'and left a comment!

  106. Excellent post! I like your organizational details. You are so lucky to have a room dedicated to creativity!

  107. I just visited Don't Call Me Betsy. She has a Juki just like mine! It is a great machine, too!

  108. This is great because I am shopping for a new machine. I'm learning lots!

  109. I've visited all the blogs so far, each day.

  110. Liked you on facebook! Nice to meet you!

  111. I love your sewing space, I could only dream to have one that organised, oh well fingers crossed I'll be able to get it sorted once we move. :o)

  112. I was on the first days hop, and have been keeping up with all of the posts, i've been to Beth's so far today at P&J :o)

  113. Thank you for sharing Elna and your sewing space. I love seeing where people create. So Neat and tidy!! And cozy!

  114. I'm avoiding doing my taxes so I've been working my way through the 'meet my machine' blog hop. So far I've visited the 7 blogs before you. Almost caught up and then I'll HAVE to start my taxes.

  115. Your sewing space looks great - really welcoming. I am still trying to work out how I can get the small room that houses my sewing stuff all to myself! I'm loving this Blog Hop - it's been really intersting so far.

  116. I've visited all of Monday and Tuesday's Bloggers (I'm working my way through lol) I liked how different they are. I'm also jealous of Amy of Stitchory Dickory Dock's featherweight. One day!

  117. Great post! I loved reading about your machine and space.

  118. Love the tour of your sewing space and Elna looks like a fine machine!!! Great giveaway!!

  119. I enjoyed your post very much and your machine sounds awesome ! Great , well organized room too:-)

  120. I already like your Facebook page - yay!!!

  121. This was my first visit to your blog - I came for the machine blog hop - but it won't be my last! I love your banner for your blog, btw. It is super cute!

  122. I have now liked you on Facey B. I look forward to seeing your updates!

  123. I have been reading all of the blog posts for the machine hop, but I will give a shout-out here to Jaclyn @ Jaclyn Quilts. (All of the posts have been great, though!)

  124. Love your organization and I'm stealing some ideas, beautiful work!!

  125. WOW is all I can say about your sewing room! Wow!
    You've given me some great ideas. My sewing room is a blank mess right now LOL.

    ktreve (at) hotmail (dot) com

  126. Love your sewing space!!

  127. Have now liked you on FB

  128. Am trying to check out all of you on the blog hop... So far a wonderful array of blogs have been "hopped"!!!

  129. Fab sewing room! I love the wall color and the contrast it provides. Everything is so organized, it's really inspiring. Thank for sharing your space and the giveaway!

  130. Thanks for sharing your machine and sewing space. I love to see how others organize their stuff.

  131. I follow you on FB ;-)
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  132. I've visited all of the other stops on this blog hop. It's really interesting to read about different machines.

  133. This comment has been removed by the author.

  134. I loved you sewing space, it's very cheerful.

  135. I have enjoyed the Machine Blogs.
    Amy at Stitchery Dickory Dock is one of my favorites.

  136. I liked you FB page!! Can't wait to ready your comments.

  137. I have visited all the stops on this hop, up to thursday.

  138. I love your table setup. I'm jealous. I would LOVE to have the spare room.

  139. Great post! Love seeing your sewing space, what a great color. Cheers!

  140. Thanks for sharing your space, and Elna. I'm new to quilting (just finished my first) so am intrigued by these little glimpses into the quilting world.

  141. Oh, I love your sewing machine. I work at Luke's in Elsmere and have given lots of lessons on this machine - people are always delighted with it. And, I'd love to win and make something . . . charming. And, your sewing room is amazing.

  142. And of course I liked you on facebook.

  143. I just visited The Tilted Quilt and can't wait to read about other machines. I love sewing machines!

  144. Wow - I'm so impressed with your organization! Your sewing room looks great! Thanks for your comment on my post for the hop - for some reason, I couldn't email you back.


Thanks for leaving a comment!

I usually respond to inquiries or funny bits via email, so please make sure your address is available in your profile.